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choice and accompaniment of the season’s artist of the Concert hall of Bruges

branding by Jurgen Maelfeyt, then SKINN

since 2010


We're asking ourself every year if it's worth continuing on this path together. But, in the meantime, this is the venue I have been working for the longest, and with great pleasure. From a narrative visual dramaturgy, which mixed existing works by different artists, we moved on to existing works by one artist, and then to an annual commission to an artist who is now called artist of the season and actively participates in the season, alongside a composer and a thinker or writer.

For me, it's a matter of immersing myself in the programme, imagining the iconography that could translate it into images, proposing artists and then accompanying them until the launch of the season.

Season 22/23, with Bas Losekoot

To picture a season about big and small stories from all over the world, we've asked the Dutch photographer Bas Losekoot to put his camera in the streets around the Concertgebouw in the same way as he's doing in huge cities of the entire world

Season 21/22, with Yaqine Hamzaoui 

In a season focusing about time perception in music and dance, but also action (the time is now!), we chose the energy of Brussels photographer Yaqine Hamzaoui, who took advantage of the pandemic to organise a 24 hours take over of the Concertgebouw and photographed what happened in there

Season 20/21, with Aline Héau

A celebration to the diversity of botanic life. French cyanotypist Aline Héau came along to Bruges to collect local plants and minerals, which she sublimed afterwards in these cyanotypes on glass

Season 19/20, with Anthony Gerace

We are all full of diversity - our identity is multiple.The Canadian collagist and photographer Anthony Gerace portrayed artists and colleagues from the house, before adding dozens of elements to their heads. He let the result dialogue with a rhythmic collage on old postcards from Bruges.