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piano recital with live electronics and live video, remembering Marcel Proust

ISOLT is a musical journey around Proust, but also around the human perception of time and memories. How illusory is our human time experience? How do we live with our memories? How does the past come back, when, under which circumstances? ISOLT is a piano ritual/recital with live electronics and live video, remembering Marcel Proust, with short pieces by Debussy, Dupont, old masters cherished from Proust and music from his future, especially from the master of time, Ligeti. With live electronics and live video, to go further in disturbing experiences as well as visualisation of the time of Proust today. The visuals mix French footage from the 1900’s with contemporary layers.

De Singel Antwerpen
Opera Gent



Jan Michiels (piano)
Juan Parra Cancino (live electronics)
Lise Bruyneel (live video)

Roel Van Berckelaer (scenography)


Performed in Brussels (KCB), Antwerp (De Singel), Bruges (Concertgebouw), Ghent (Festival van Vlaanderen/Opera Gent).



Concertgebouw Brugge
Opera Gent
Opera Gent Festival van Vlaanderen
Opera Gent

Above a few pictures from shows, below a live recording of my screen by Motor Music in Brussels, 2021.
Only a part of the performance, unperfect, but in real tempo.



                 (…Du côté de chez Swann…)

Der Dichter spricht --- R. Schumann

Désordre --- G. Ligeti

Les barricades mystérieuses --- F. Couperin (B. Bartók)

Danseuses de Delphes --- C. Debussy

Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme --- J.S. Bach (F.Busoni)

Le soir tombe dans la chambre --- G. Dupont


                  (…À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs…)

Voiles --- C. Debussy

En suspens --- G. Ligeti

(Intermède --- E. Chausson) 

Ce qu’a vu le vent d’ouest --- C. Debussy

Hommage à G. Kurtag/L. Nono --- Menschen wie Blumen/Ascolta …


                 (…Le côté de Guermantes…)

(Intermède --- E. Chausson)

Des pas sur la neige --- C. Debussy

Une amie est venue avec des fleurs --- G. Dupont


                 (…Sodome et Gomorrhe…)

Der Zauberlehrling --- G. Ligeti

Général Lavine – eccentric --- C. Debussy

Traumeswirren --- R. Schumann


                (…La Prisonnière…)

Isoldens Liebestod --- R. Wagner (F. Liszt)

(ascolta … Menschen wie Blumen)


                (…Albertine disparue…)

Klänge der Nacht --- B. Bartók

Kind im Einschlummern --- R. Schumann

Automne à Varsovie --- G. Ligeti


                (…Le Temps retrouvé…)

Nuit blanche (Hallucinations) --- G. Dupont

La Cathédrale engloutie --- C. Debussy   [Debussy plays…]

Arc-en-ciel --- G. Ligeti

IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME_01(c) la fabrique des regards.png
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